ספר הגדרים
Type of book:
Type of book
Full title of book:
ספר הגדרים: לעקסיקאן פאן וויסנשאפטן
Title of the book in Latin characters:
Sefer ha-gedarim: leḳsiḳon fon ṿisnshaftn
Text is presented as a new edition of old text?
New edition
Name of the old text as it appears in the book:
ספר הגדרים
General notes:
ספר הגדרים למנחם בן אברהם פרפיניאן יצא לאור בסלוניקי בשנת שכ"ז
Publisher/ Printing press
Name of publisher:
Year of publication as it appears in the book:
Gregorian year of publication as it appears in the book:
Place of publication as it appears in the book:
Format of date:
Price of book as it appears in the book:
3 ר"ט
Total number of editions:
Last known edition:
תקנ"ח, ברלין, דפוס חינוך נערים
Year of edition:
City of edition:
Book structure
Number of languages:
Languages in book:
Occasional words in other languages:
Alignment of text:
Is there a preface?
Is there an epilogue?
Is there a table of contents?
Number of pages in the book:
[3 עמ'] קד' ד' [1 עמ']
Are there illustrations/diagrams?
Persons mentioned in book
Are there personal addresses?
Are there rabbinical approbations?
Are there recommendations?
Are there dedications?
Are there thanks?
Is there an appeal to sell subscriptions?
Is there a list of subscribers?
ישנה רשימת חותמים ארוכה
Is there a list of printers?
Is there a list of proofreaders?
Is there a list of the book's funders?
Is there a list of the book's sellers?
People mentioned in the book
Hebrew Name:
אברהם בר"פ כ"ץ
German Name:
אברהם בר"פ כ"ץ
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
איגר, מאיר
German Name:
איגר, מאיר
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
אייכל, איזק
German Name:
Euchel, Isaak
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
איסרל, ישראל
German Name:
איסרל, ישראל
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
אליהו בר"מ
German Name:
אליהו בר"מ
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
אשקלות, בער
German Name:
Eskeles, Bernhard von
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
פרידלענדר, בונם בר"ד
German Name:
בונם בר"ד פ"ל
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
בוקי (פו"מ), אליהו
German Name:
בוקי, אליהו
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
בי, ישראל
German Name:
בי, ישראל
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
בלוך (הרופא), מרדכי אליעזר
German Name:
Bloch, Marcus Elieser
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
בנימין בר"פ (יועץ פנימי לאדונינו המלך יר''ה)
German Name:
בנימין בר"פ
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
בערנהארד, מאיר
German Name:
בערנהארד, מאיר
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
בריחמי, משה
German Name:
בריחמי, משה
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
ברלין, אנשיל
German Name:
ברלין, אנשיל
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
ברעסלויא, ראובן בר"ש
German Name:
ברעסלויא, ראובן בר"ש
Description of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
האללענדר, שמעון
German Name:
האללענדר, שמעון
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
האן, משה בר"י
German Name:
האן, משה בר"י
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
הירץ בר"מ (דאקטר)
German Name:
הירץ בר"מ
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
הירש בר"נ
German Name:
הירש בר"נ
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
העלפט, איזק
German Name:
העלפט, איזק
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
ווערטהיים, זעליגמן
German Name:
ווערטהיים, זעליגמן
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
ווערסש, עזריאל
German Name:
ווערסש, עזריאל
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
זלמן פ"ד
German Name:
זלמן פ"ד
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
חיים ב"ר הירץ
German Name:
חיים ב"ר הירץ
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
יאקב בר יוזפה
German Name:
יאקב בר יוזפה
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
יודל בר"ל
German Name:
יודל בר"ל
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
יעקב בער כ"ץ
German Name:
יעקב בער כ"ץ
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
יעקב צבי (פו"מ מדינה)
German Name:
Moses, Jacob
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
יפה, דניאל
German Name:
Itzig (Oberlandesältester), Daniel (Jaffe)
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
ירוחם איש באהר
German Name:
ירוחם איש באהר
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
לאמניך, איזק
German Name:
לאמניך, איזק
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
לוי, יעקב
German Name:
לוי, יעקב
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
ליב בר"פ כ"ץ
German Name:
ליב בר"פ כ"ץ
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
ליב בר"מ (פו"מ)
German Name:
ליב בר"מ
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
לינדויא, ברוך
German Name:
Lindau, Baruch
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
מאיר בר"ד שוחט
German Name:
מאיר בר"ד שוחט
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
מאיר פ"ל
German Name:
מאיר פ"ל
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
נאטהאן אדאם, פרייהערר פאן ארנשטיין
German Name:
Arnstein (Freiherr von), Nathan Adam
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
נך, כ"ד
German Name:
נך, כ"ד
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
סאטור (פו"מ), ליפמן
German Name:
סאטור, ליפמן
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
סמטור, דוד
German Name:
סמטור, דוד
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
פיליפסזאהן (קומיסיאנערס ראהט)
German Name:
Description of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
German Name:
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
פרענקל (פו"מ), אהרן
German Name:
פרענקל, אהרן
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
פרענקל (פו"מ), ליב
German Name:
פרענקל, ליב
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
קאסל (פו"מ), ליב
German Name:
קאסל, ליב
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
רינטל, זלמן
German Name:
Meyer, Salomon Abraham
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
שיף, איזק בר"ב
German Name:
שיף, איזק בר"ב
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
שלעזינגר, הירץ
German Name:
שלעזינגר, הירץ
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
שלעזינגר, ליברמן
German Name:
Schlesinger, Liebermann Marcus
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
שמואל בר"א
German Name:
שמואל בר"א
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Hebrew Name:
שמעון פ"ל
German Name:
שמעון פ"ל
Description of mentionee:
Location city of mentionee:
Textual models
Main textual models of the book:
Target audience
Target audience
Target audience as described in the book:
Catalog numbers
National Library of Israel:
22V 13073
References and bibliography
Copy of book used:
הלאומית העברית 22V 13073
Bibliography of the Hebrew Book:
הקדמת ר' יצחק ן' ארויו ו"פרקים בהצלחה" שבאו בדפוס שאלוניקי נשמטו.
Added personal author [בן-ארויו, יצחק בן משה]
[סאטאנוב, יצחק בן משה הלוי]
[משה בן מימון (רמב"ם). מיוחס לו]
[אבן-תיבון, שמואל בן יהודה]
Additional Personal Name יצחק ן' ארויו
Language עברית
Book producers
Role(s) in book creation:
Mevi La'Dfus (Producer)