Gebete der hochdeutschen und polnischen Juden

Type of book:
Type of book
Full title of book: 
Gebete der hochdeutschen und polnischen Juden: aus dem Hebräischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet, von Isaac Abraham Euchel
Text is presented as a translation? 
Textual and cultural sources for the book
Are there sources mentioned in the book itself? 
List of sources: 

Abel, Caspar: Hebräische Altherthümer.

Mendelssohn, Moses, מנדלסון, משה: Jerusalem.

Surenhuys, Willem: Mischna sive Totius Hebræorum Juris ...

Mendelssohn, Moses, מנדלסון, משה: Phaedon.

Ventura, Mardechée: Prières journalières à l’usage des juifs portugais.

Ugolino, Blasio: Thesaurus antiquitatum sacrarum ...


Vorrede und Anmerkungen

Type of translation: 
translation of old text
Type of original text: 
Title of the original text as it appeared originally: 
Original language of text: 
Number of volumes published: 
Publisher/ Printing press
Year of publication as it appears in the book: 
Hebrew year of publication as it appears in the book: 
Gregorian year of publication as it appears in the book: 
Place of publication as it appears in the book: 
Format of date: 
Total number of editions: 
Last known edition: 
Year of edition: 
City of edition: 
Year of edition: 
City of edition: 
Year of edition: 
City of edition: 
Year of edition: 
City of edition: 
Book structure
Number of languages: 
Languages in book: 
Occasional words in other languages: 
Alignment of text: 
Language of footnotes: 
Location of footnotes: 
Is there a preface? 
Is there an epilogue? 
Is there a table of contents? 

Gebet beym Hereintreten in die Synagoge S. 3

Lob Gottes vor und nach dem Gebete 4

Benedeyung beym Händewaschen 5

Benedeyung nach Verrichtung der Nothdurft

Benedeyung vor dem Studiren

Morgenbenedeyungen 8

Gesänge und Psalmen 18

Sabaths und Festtagsgesänge 25

Gesänge für alle Tage 42

Gebete 58

Buß- und Festtagsgebete 90

Gebete am Montage und Donnerstage 94

Schlußgebete 115

Morgengebete für den Sabath 129

Das Mussaphgebet 167

Neumondstage-gebete 179

Festtagsgebete 194

Mussaphgebet für die Festtage 208

Mussaphgebet für den Neujahrestag 223

Versöhnungstagesgebete 237

Mussaphgebet für den Versöhnungstag 249

Beschlußgebet für den Versöhnungstag 253

Gesang nach dem Gebete, Jegdal 257

Annim Zemiroth 259

Alltägliche Vespergebete 267

Vespergebet für den Sabath 273

Gesänge beym Eingang des Sabath 292

Abendgebet 305

Abendgebet beym Ausgang des Sabath 319

Seegensformeln beym Genusse der Dinge 336

Gebet nach der Mahlzeit 339

Fortsetzung der Segensformeln 348

Nachtgebet vor dem Schlafengehn 351

Massecheth Aboth erster Abschnitt 359

- zweiter 365

- dritter 374

- vierter 385

- fünfter 394

- sechster 405

Anmerkungen zu den Gebeten 417

Erläuterungen zur Massechet Aboth 459

Number of pages in the book: 
[4], XXIV, [15], 478, [5]
Height of book, in cm: 
Width of book, in cm: 
Are there illustrations/diagrams? 
Pages in which illustrations / diagrams appear: 
General Notes: 

Seitenzahlen richtig: [4], XXIV, [15], 478, [5]

Persons mentioned in book
Are there personal addresses? 
Are there rabbinical approbations? 
Are there recommendations? 
Are there dedications? 

An Demoiselle Rebecka Meyer Friedländer [1770-1838]

Are there thanks? 
Is there an appeal to sell subscriptions? 
Is there a list of subscribers? 
Is there a list of printers? 
Is there a list of proofreaders? 
Is there a list of the book's funders? 
General notes: 

weitere nicht genauer ermittelte Subskribenten:
Der Hochwohlgebohrne Herr von Behr in Kurland, von Firkß. Erbherr auf Kandlen in Kurland, von Firkß, Erbherr auf Nogalen und Fischreden in Kurland, von Gohr, Erbherr auf Bechhoff und Münden in Kurland, von Roschkul Erbherr auf Bebben in Kurland, von Nolde, Erbherr auf Kleingramsden in Kurl., Emmerich von Offenberg in Jülgen in Kurl., von Schlippenbach in Kurland, Herrn Secretair Aune in Königsberg, Einnehmer Ballath, Münzrendant Cämrer in Königsberg, Studiosus Friedmann in Königsberg, Münzkassierer Gantesweiler, Kontroleur Goldbeck in Königsberg, Studiosus Goldschmidt in Königsberg, Goldstücker in Kopenhagen, Kontroleur Gomme in Königsberg,
Buchhändler Jakoby in Libau, Kandidat Kirchner in Kikurn in Kurland, Herr Kontroleur Kohnd in Königsberg, Negotiant Kunke, Buchhalter Landmann in Königsberg, Mendel, K. K. Arendator in Wieletzko, Negotiant P. in Königsberg, Kontroleur Pekock in Königsberg, Münzkassierer Schöne, Studiosus Siebert in Frecken in Kurland, Inspektor Sommer in Königsberg, Studiosus Theodor in Kbg., Inspektor Urbany in Kbg.,

People mentioned in the book
Hebrew Name: 
Friedländer, Rebekka Meyer
German Name: 
Friedländer, Rebekka Meyer
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Abrahamsen, Moses Levin
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Adolphi (Pastor)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Alexander, Abraham
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Isaac Aron
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Bamberger, Wolff
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Bartenstein, Joseph
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Jüdel Baruch
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Below (Münzdirektor)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Bendix, Hirsch Nathan
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Bendix, Levin Nathan
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Bendix, Jeremias
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Meyer Bernhard
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Wallenrodtsche Bibliothek
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Binge, Abraham
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Boas, Simon
German Name: 
Boas, Simon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Borchard, Jacob Isaac
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Bresslau, Löbel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Brug, Lazarus
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Ezechel Caspar
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Caspar, Isaac
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Cassel, David
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
David, Joseph Nathan
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
דוד, מאיר מיכל
German Name: 
David, Meyer Michel (Kammeragent)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Detmold, Anna
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Elias, Philipp
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Berend Ellerich
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Abraham Joel Emanuel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Heimann Enoch
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Ephraim, Samuel Hirsch
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Ephraim, David
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Euchel, Demoiselle
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Adelaide
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedeburg, Madame Herz
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
פרידלנדר, אברהם
German Name: 
Friedländer, Abraham
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Bernhard
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Hinde
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Goldea
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Pessel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Hanna
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Friedländer, Rebekka Meyer
German Name: 
Friedländer, Rebekka Meyer
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Rebekka Wulff
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Recha Wulff
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Angelika
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Meyer
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Simon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Wulff
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Wolf Bernhard
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Samuel Wulff
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Simon Bendix
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Heimann Meyer
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Hirsch Elias
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Salomon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Friedländer, Veitel Bernhard
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Moses Fürst
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Meyer Gabriel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Gardemain (Bankier), Daniel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
חברת דורשי לשון עבר
German Name: 
Gesellschaft der hebräischen Litteraturfreunde
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Getzel, Jacob
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Getzel, Meyer
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Goldschmidt, Caroline
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Goldschmidt, Moses
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Graff, Jacob
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Gregorovius (Prof.), J.A.
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
גוגנהיים, יוסף
German Name: 
Gugenheim, Joseph
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Gunzenhausen, Anna
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Gurauer, Jacob Moses
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Lehmann Haas
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Halle, Joel Samuel von
German Name: 
Halle, Joel Samuel von
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Löb Hamm
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Hartknoch (Buchhändler)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Heilboth, Simon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Hermes, Johann Georg Christoph Friedrich
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Hirschberg (Dr.)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Hirsch, Jakob
Description of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Abraham Isaak
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Boas Isaak
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Marcus Isaak
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Itzig, Elias Daniel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Itzig, Jakob Daniel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Jordan, Brüder
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Meyer Joseph
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Simon Joseph
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Keyserling, Heinrich Christian (Reichsgraf)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Klatzki, Simon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Kleist-Keyserling (Baron), Louis
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Korff (Graf), von
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Lachmann (Dr.)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Marcus Salomon Levin
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
David Levin
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Moses Levin
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Israel Levin
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Levy, Sara
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Levy, Moses Salomon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Levy, Samuel Salomon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Levy, Samuel Isaak
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Lipmann, Nathan
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
ברי"ל, יואל
German Name: 
Löwe, Joel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Lüpschütz, Selig
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Marx (Dr.)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Salomon Marcus
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Hirsch Markus
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Levin Magnus
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Meyer Magnus
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Berend Mendel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Elias Meyer (Kammeragent)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Hirsch Münden
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Öttinger, Moses
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Oppenheim, Isaac
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Oppenheim, Madame W. J.
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Oppenheim, Mendel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Joseph Philipp
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Polonus (Dr.)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Prekuln, Salomon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Rochnove, Josel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Gallathea Salomon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Samuel Salomon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Levin Salomon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Mendel Samuel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Schottländer, Aron
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Schulz, Johann (Hofprediger)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Schuster, Getz
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Schuster, Levin
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Seligmann, Jeannette
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Seligmann, Wulff
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Sichel, Lemmlen
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Spira, Salomon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Simon, Mendel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Urjas, Nathan
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Veitel, David Ephraim
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Wallach, David
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Wallach, Demoiselle
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Wallach, Madame
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Wappler, Christian Friedrich (Buchhändler)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Warburg, Meyer
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Warburg, Aron Levin
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Wertheimer, Samuel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Wessely, Joel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Wiener, Isaac
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Winck, Wolff
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Wetzlar, Gottschalck
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Wulff, Heymann
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Wulff, Joseph
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Wulff, Abraham
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Zacharias, Moses
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
German Name: 
Zacharias, Simon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Textual models
Target audience
Target audience
Target audience as described in the book: 
Evidence about book production: 

Vorrede pp.I-IV; אייכל, איצק: דבר אל המדברים . המאסף, ג', אלול תקמ"ו, עמ' ר"ה-ר"י;

Book's reception in its time
Contemporary references to the book: 

אייכל, איצק: דבר אל המדברים . המאסף, ג', אלול תקמ"ו, עמ' ר"ה-ר"י; Gebete der hochdeutschen und polnischen Juden, aus dem Hebräischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Isaak Abraham Euchel, in: ADB, 1788 , 81. Bd., 2.St., S. 708 - 709.

Contemporary disputes about the book: 

אייכל, איצק: דבר אל המדברים . המאסף, ג', אלול תקמ"ו, עמ' ר"ה-ר"י

Preservation in the public consciousness
Later references to the book: 

Ritter 1861, S. 58.

Mentions in reviews: 

Der Sammler, III, 1, S. 56 und der Sammler, III, 2, S. 15f

References and bibliography
Secondary sources used by researchers: 

Feiner 1987, Pelli 1979; Ritter 1861;

Copy of book used: 



AK: WLSB Stuttgart: Theol.oct.4874

Book producers
Role(s) in book creation: 
Mevi La'Dfus (Producer)
Writer of preface: 
אייכל, יצחק
Role in book production: 
Preface title: 
